Zakat Fund − Sponsor Tuition Fees for Poor Students in the UAE

  • Product Code: PRD6058
  • All Rewards From: Zakat Fund
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Zakat Fund − Sponsor Tuition Fees for Poor Students in the UAE

Zakat Fund is a specialized authority in zakat aiming to serve this duty throughout several projects to support poor and needy. You can contribute to help students all over UAE by donating miles to "Iqra" project which falls under poor and needy channel organized to assist the needy students by paying fees tuitions to provide the opportunity to keep their right to continue their education.


  • Upgrade the educational level of the targeted categories
  • Qualify the needy categories to be productive individuals
  • Support people who can’t pay tuition fees

For more information, please visit the following website:

Zakat Fund − Sponsor Tuition Fees for Poor Students in the UAE

Zakat Fund is a specialized authority in zakat aiming to serve this duty throughout several projects to support poor and needy. You can contribute to help students all over UAE by donating miles to "Iqra" project which falls under poor and needy channel organized to assist the needy students by paying fees tuitions to provide the opportunity to keep their right to continue their education.


  • Upgrade the educational level of the targeted categories
  • Qualify the needy categories to be productive individuals
  • Support people who can’t pay tuition fees

For more information, please visit the following website: